Behind the Scenes: Exploring Glasgow for Tifo’s Revised Edition

As an art and design book publisher, we take pride in capturing the vibrant and diverse cultures that inspire our books. Recently, we travelled to Glasgow, a city known for its rich football heritage, to scout for incredible football fan stickers that will feature in the upcoming revised edition of Tifo: The Art of Football Fan Stickers.

This visit is part of our ongoing journey to document the creativity of football fans worldwide.

Exploring Glasgow’s Football Sticker Culture

Glasgow’s streets are alive with football fan passion. From the iconic districts surrounding Celtic Park and Ibrox Stadium to hidden corners of the city, there was a lot of stickers. Each sticker tells its own story, showcasing team pride, historical references, and some your street art influences. The city is a treasure trove for any sticker book publisher and graffiti art enthusiast.

We went about, took pictures and having done so many layouts of the book and having made our fair share of phtotography titles our expertise in photography book production comes into play. Even with phone pics, its easier these days to take great pics and capture the essence of the sport and the vibe.

Building the Tifo Revised Edition

The revised edition of Tifo isn’t just a collection of stickers; it’s a visual journey into the passion, creativity, and community of football fans worldwide. Glasgow is one of many stops as we continue to explore how stickers connect fans to their teams and to one another. As art book publishers who have built a specialisation in graffiti, street art, and sticker art, our goal is to preserve and elevate these grassroots creations for fans and art lovers alike.

If you're curious about our earlier work or want to dive deeper into the world of football fan stickers, check out our blog post on Football Fan Stickers at Bali United. This behind-the-scenes look highlights another chapter of our journey in creating Tifo, the revised edition.

Support the Project — Get Your Copy of Tifo Today!

Tifo: The Art of Football Fan Stickers is already a favorite among football and art fans, and the revised edition promises even more excitement. Don’t miss out on this celebration of creativity and fan culture. Head over to the Stickerbombworld shop to grab your copy of Tifo and join us in supporting the vibrant world of football fan stickers.

Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes stories as we continue building the revised edition of Tifo.


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